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Simply Passionate Mom

2nd Weekly Home Activities

Hi everyone! I’m back for the weekly home activities. (Sorry for the late update.)

Last time, we discussed the letter Aa, the number 1 and color red.  I tried to familiarize my son with vowels (first) and mixed it with colors, numbers and other kinds of activities.

Sorry mommies, I won’t be able to post home activities on a weekly basis anymore but I will be sharing the weekend things we will be doing and some busy bag concepts when we go out. We decided to enroll Lucas(last minute) to school this year so that he will be very well prepared for next year and at the same time he could meet new friends. =) I’m really excited for him! He’s actually excited to ride the school bus (yellow school bus specifically) but I told him that I will be bringing him to school everyday which I think got him a little disappointed. (hehe)

Anyway, for our weekly activities, our topic would be the Letter Ee, the Number 2 and Triangle Shape.

Letter Ee

We have a printable worksheet which I got from the internet. We formed the big letter E and small letter e by using play-doh. (Last time, I let my son put glitters on the letter Aa.)


For animals starting with letter E, we thought of an elephant.  I thought of making a face of an elephant by using a paper plate. We made two elephants, mine was the pink elephant while his’ was the blue one. He was so excited to do it and was very proud of himself when he finished it!


Our masterpiece!


Just like our activity before with the angry face, I let him choose from the canister with different facial expression where the excited face is.

IMG_2371 (2)


Before starting this simple activity, we talked about the difference between morning and evening. (Morning- you see sun, clouds, birds; and in the Evening- you see stars and moon)


Starry Starry Night…


The most favorite activity that we did together as a family. After I cut all the shapes for the excavator, it was time to put it all together (Daddy Moses and Lucas while I take their pictures).

IMG_2321 (2)

We decided to put colors for the background of our artwork, by putting some soil, rocks and some clouds on it.


And the outcome… Is like this =)

Triangle Tree

I made a big triangle that represented the trunk of the tree while the small triangles with different colors (yellow, green, orange and red) for the leaves of the tree.

Let’s Hunt for the Number 2

I made this in a colored paper and used different markers to make it look a bit colorful. =)  The rule is to hunt the number 2 in all these rumbled numbers and encircle it.


Sorry! My Number 2 looks like a snake. hehe

So there you have it. I hope that I will be able to share more often some ideas I get and our experiences to all of you.

Till next time! Stay tuned for more!!


Mommy Camille

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