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Simply Passionate Mom

Less Gadgets, More Family Bonding

Excessive use of gadgets like tv, cellphones, computers, and the likes have lots of bad effects, especially for young kids. It can affect their physical and mental health and could also destroy family relationships.

In this blog, I will be sharing some ideas on how you can limit your kids to do gadgets.

1. Make them a Daily Routine. By having a consistent routine, they would know what tasks they should accomplish. It also creates a calmer household whereas your child knows what to expect to do and it will also help manage both of your time wisely.


2. Do Fun Activities Together. Prepare activities each day that you and your kids could do. By doing this, it gives them the opportunity to be excited about what’s ahead and they will look forward to future events. (Tip: You can do arts & crafts, exercising together like yoga or do some stretching, outdoor games or cook/ bake simple recipes.

3. Let them help you with Doing Chores. Make chores fun by doing it together and mixing it with some games. In that way, they won’t associate chores as boring and tiring. (Tip: You can do I Spy with your child while doing chores) Be consistent but do not push them in doing it if they’re not interested or don’t want to.

4. Quality Time with your kids.  Allocate a time (even for an hour) to spend time with them. (P.S. Turn off all gadgets/ technologies when you have your quality time with them, meaning not checking your email on your phone, nor scrolling through Facebook or watching tv)

Quality time can be spent playing with his favorite toys, playing board games, playing outside, setting up a tent, etc. It’s up to them. 🙂

Meaningful connections are about quality of time, not quantity of time.  Connect with your child in ways that makes the family relationship stronger. It has a lasting impact to your child and provides the support and reassurance that your child needs.

5.  Give them Free Time during the day. Don’t overdo their daily task by not letting them be kids. Give them their free will in their free time. If they want to do gadgets, making it a reward at the end of the day when all their tasks are done. (P.S. Don’t let them use gadgets first thing in the morning or else your routine and your day will become messy. Believe me!)


Saturday. Netflix. Chill with this kiddo

To all the parents out there, what’s the biggest thing you’re struggling with right now being a parent during this pandemic? 

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Simply Passionate Mom

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