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Simply Passionate Mom

Picky eater? How to encourage your kids to eat healthy.

My son, Lucas is a real picky eater. He would eat whatever he wants from chips to chocolates and sometimes (if not most) he wouldn’t eat the food that is served to him. Maybe partly our fault because he sees us eating junk foods as well. Now that Lucas is going to school, we try to encourage him to eat more healthy. Not only that, but we, parents should be a good role model to our kids.

Here are some 5 simple tips for getting your children to eat healthy food.

  1. Keep healthy food at hand.

We removed all the “unhealthy” junk foods and in exchange, stocked some fruits like mangoes, apples, oranges and yogurt that he can easily get. Lucas used to get some chips that he sees while having breakfast or lunch and he would hide under the table!

Remember, children will eat what’s available in your home. If you still have unhealthy foods left like chips, store them in a food storage room or keep it in your cupboards/ cabinets that is hard to reach.

2. Introduce new food slowly.

Lucas normally likes fried chicken, filipino chicken adobo, spaghetti, sinigang na baboy and fish and the likes. I want him to learn and like other food aside from what he is used to eating. Whenever I cook for my family, I would tell him beforehand what I’m cooking and that he needs to try it. I would encourage him to taste it and I don’t give him other choices of food. In that way I’m stimulating his appetite to try my cooked meal.

3. Praise healthy choices.

Whenever he tries a new food, I give him a smile and praise him by saying “Very good Lucas! Fruits and vegetables will make you strong and healthy.”.

4. Allow treats or reward them with something fun to do.

Allowing them to eat sweets like chocolates occasionally is okay but you need to watch out because it could create weight problems in latter time. Sometimes, Lucas and I bargain when he eats vegetables. He could eat a bit of chocolates or we treat him out in Pancake House (to eat his favorite fried chicken). Sometimes we also bargain that we will hang out in the mall or shall do some exciting home activities .

5. Get your kids involved in cooking.

Lucas used to help me in the kitchen by removing the skin of the garlic, beat the egg or separate the leaves and the stem of the kangkong or known as “water spinach”. If you let your children be involved in preparing the meals, they’ll be more interested in eating what they’ve concocted. You can also take them to the supermarket and let them help you to get fruits or vegetables and place it in the push cart or help you to choose meat while you tell them what type of meal you can cook with it.

These tips are based on our personal experiences. If you guys have additional advices on how to encourage kids to eat more healthy, don’t hesitate to leave a comment! 🙂 Share your experiences. 😊 Everyone could learn something new! xoxo,


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