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Simply Passionate Mom

10 Secrets To Staying Positive During This Pandemic

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

People are more anxious these days because of the pandemic that we're facing. Many of us are cooped up at home not knowing what to do. Were afraid to go out and be normal as before, but life must go on.

Let us look at the bright side and consider this a blessing in disguise to spend more quality time with our family, do things that we love that we never started doing, pursuing new hobbies, etc. Train your mind to see the good in everything.

Here are some ways to stay positive in the worst times like this:

1. Be Grateful Each Morning.

The moment you wake up, say a little prayer. Thank God for another day He gave you with your family, for another day to make a difference in this world. Feel blessed that you are healthy as someone is battling sickness and would love to live your life right now. Pray as well for all the people especially those who are in need of God's protection. You can also make a journal where you could write down all the things you're grateful for each day.

2. Reach Out To Your Loved Ones

Staying connected with family and friends is one of the most important ways to keep our minds in a positive space. Don't let this pandemic stop you to reach out to them. There are endless ways to keep in touch through this digital world (e.g. Skype, Zoom, Facebook, etc).

3. Finding The Good In The Bad

  • Accept the Bad Times

"Bad days make you appreciate the good days more" There would always be bad days. Reflecting is one way to turn a negative situation into one of your biggest lessons or realizations in your life.

  • Keep Moving Forward

There is no point to sit and dwell on bad things. Everybody has their bad and good days. We need to learn how to deal with it, leave that bad day behind and start fresh.

  • Realize That Each Day Is A Fresh Start

The best part of this life is that you can start over every day. I love going to bed at the end of a long day, knowing that I get to wake up with a brand new day and tackle it. You can leave that negative energy behind; you don't have to take it with you.

4. Set A Personal Schedule And Goals

Take time to create your things-to-do lists each day and follow your daily routine to have an organized schedule and goals. I also made an "Accomplishment For The Day" for me to see what things I have accomplished during the day.

5. Meditating and Exercise

One of the most important things to stay positive is to exercise your mind and body.

For meditation, just take 5- 15 mins before starting your day every day. I highly recommend using apps like- Insight Timer and Happy Not Perfect!!

For exercise, do some yoga to release stress and tension on your body. Even for a quick exercise, it will greatly benefit you.

6. Stay Informed, But Not too Informed

Sometimes, having too much information overwhelms us, gets us distracted. Make sure to check reliable sources for information, don't believe everything you read. Don't get consumed in reading especially that can bring negativity on your mind and that you will be thinking it the whole day. It's okay to read but maybe set a time, maybe at the end of the day after doing all your goals for the day. Don't forget to turn off your notifications and the news and just focus on the now.

7. Surround Yourself With Optimistic People

It doesn't mean you need to see your friends or family in person. In this digital world, we can connect with them anytime and anywhere. The last thing we need now is family members and/ friends who do nothing but whine about the situation, bringing out their frustrations that could drown us in such toxicity that will not do any good on us. Instead, be with optimistic people who bring positivity, shares uplifting stories, and who is always happy. As a result, you become a more positive and happy person.

8. Create A Positive Environment

It always starts at home. A home is where the positivity comes first. Creating a positive environment, will not only benefit you but it will also uplift everyone surrounding you.

9. Guard Your Mind And Body

This pandemic has affected a lot of people. Besides financial losses, a lot are emotionally affected and questioning their stability in the near future. While following the crucial steps in keeping yourself safe from the virus such as maintaining good hygiene and practicing social distancing, take steps to keep your mind healthy as well. Do some workout exercises, meditate, listen to relaxing music, pursue relaxing hobbies that you love. Do things that can help make your mood better, reduce stress, and increase your energy.

10. Take A Daily Inventory

Close your day, every day, with a positive acknowledgment of something you accomplished, learned, or are grateful for. You can list down your "Accomplishment for the day" for you to be proud of what you have done.

Do you have any thoughts or additional inputs? Comment down below! I love to hear from you.

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